Friday, October 24, 2014

African proverbs 1st phase

He who pelts another with pebbles, asks for rocks in return.- Nigerian proverb

When the chameleon brings forth a child,  is not that child expected to dance.? - Nigerian proverb

When a man goes alone to scrap bark from a tree, it falls to the ground.- West African proverb (Do not refuse help when you need it.)

When the rain falls on the leopard, it doesn't wash off its spots.-  Nigerian proverb.(A person’s nature is not
changed by circumstances.)

If you hold a snake by the head what is left is only a string.- West African proverb (If you catch the leader of your enemy his followers will be helpless.)

Only a mad man will go to sleep with his roof on fire. - Nigerian proverb

One should not bear one’s stomach a grudge.- West African proverb.(Said of someone who, however unpleasant, is essential to you; since you have no choice you must put up with him.)

A cooking pot for the chameleon is a cooking pot for the lizard.- Nigerian proverb

A man’s honor is like an egg; if he does not hold it properly it falls and breaks.- West African proverb

He who drums for a sick man is himself a sick man. - Nigerian Proverb

If a man is lost, the sound of his state horn will help him to be found.- West African proverb (A man is protected by his own people.)

The snail may try but it cannot cast off its shell. - Nigerian proverb.

I am carrying an empty basket, why do you look in?- West African proverb (If someone is in trouble you should not try to rub it in with curiosity.)

The toad likes water but  not when the water is boiling. - Nigerian proverb

One who follows the track of the elephant never gets wet from the dew on the bushes.- Ghanaian proverb (Follow an important man and he will protect you in time of trouble.)

When the stick-insects gathers sticks on its head, it carries them. - Nigerian proverb

Not all the forest hates the antelope. - West African proverb (Every person has sympathizers )

The secrets of the owl must not be known in daylight. - Nigerian proverb.

If the ram is fond of butting, its courage comes from the heart and not from the horns.- West African proverb (Strength is nothing without courage.)

The mangrove tree dwells in the river but that does not make it a crocodile.- Nigerian proverb

Tortoise you are suffering in your shell.- Ghanaian proverb (However secure a person seems, he has hidden troubles.)

If the crocodile is eating its own eggs, what will it not do to the flesh of a frog.- Nigerian proverb

The old crocodile swallows a pebble when the year ends.- Ivorian proverb (Misfortunes come each year; we must accept them as part of life.)

Two rams cannot drink from the same bucket at the same time, they will lock horns. - Nigerian proverb

When the evil plotter beats his drum for the downfall of the innocent, God will not let the drum sound.- Nigerian proverb.

Rats don’t dance in the cat’s doorway.- Ghanaian proverb (Don’t invite trouble.)

When the leading frog falls into a pit, the rest take caution.- Nigerian proverb

The cobra that blocks the path is going his own way, yet people run away when they see him.- West African proverb (Once you get a bad reputation, nobody will trust you even when you intend no harm.)

Until the rotten tooth is pulled out, the mouth must chew with caution. - Nigerian proverb.

The length of a frog is known only after it’s death. - West African proverb (A person’s worth is not appreciated in his lifetime.)

If you fail to take away a strong mans sword when he is down, you don't do it when he gets up. - Nigerian proverb.

If the fish comes out of the water to say that the crocodile is ill, no one should doubt it.- Ghanaian proverb (Nobody will doubt what a close friend says about you.)

If the very herb we go seek in the forest now grows at our backyard, we are saved the journey.- Nigerian proverb.

When a child goes to the bush, it should look for snails and not for the tortoise.- Ghanaian proverb (It takes much experience to find a tortoise in the bush, but snails are common and any child can find them. Only do what is within your power or you may achieve nothing.)

It is only a fool who sees a stream and go bath in a pond.- Nigerian proverb

Beetle, the fire will eventually reach you when the tree in which you hide is burnt down.- Ghanaian proverb (The consequences of your bad deed will one day catch up with you.)

When it lies behind you, take it.- Ghanaian proverb (Use the wisdom of the past.)

A bird’s relative is the one with whom it shares a nest.- Ghanaian proverb (Common problems bring together those that are affected by them.)